Want to know more about Change47 and how to get started. Check out our most frequently asked questions below.
What is the eligibility criteria?
Anyone can participate in Change47. We just ask you to sign up via our website change47.org.au. Fundraisers under the age of 18 will need permission from a parent, guardian or teacher (if they are participating at school).
How do I sign up?
Click on the register button at the top of the page, choose how you would like to be involved and fill in your details. If you still need assistance, contact our team.
When are registrations open for Change47?
Registrations opened 15 May 2023 and the campaign officially ended on 30 June 2023.
Getting Started
What happens after I register?
After you’ve registered online, you’ll receive a confirmation email (check your junk mail if it doesn’t appear after an hour). Your fundraising page will be automatically set up as part of the fundraising process.
How do I create a fundraising page?
A fundraising page will be automatically created for you when you register. You can upload your own header and profile picture and share your page via social media. An email will also be sent to you with some tips.
How do I share my fundraising page on Facebook?
Sharing your fundraising web page on Facebook is a great way to spread the word to more people! It’s easy too. You will see a button on your fundraising page that can connect to Facebook and share your page with some template wording (that you can change). Alternately When you log into your Facebook account, you should see a box that asks “What’s on your mind?”. Simply copy the website link (or ‘URL’) that we sent in your registration email and paste it into this box. That will create an image or ‘preview’ of the link. In the box, write a message about why you are supporting Change47 in front of the link. We also have social media tiles you can download and share on our resources page.
How do I get people to sponsor me?
You’ll be surprised how keen your family and friends will be to get behind you and support people impacted by homelessness. Don’t forget to share your fundraising page on any social media profiles you have, like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, and maybe even in an email to work colleagues.
The Cause
How will Beddown use the money I raise?
Originally a fundraiser for six new Beddown venues across Queensland, Change 47 contributes to Beddown's The Good Night Initiative, providing a much needed stopgap between sleeping rough and longer-term housing solutions.
Watch our project launch video to learn more.
How does Beddown support people who are homeless?
Beddown supports people sleeping rough in Australia via The Good Night Initiative. To find out more, visit the Beddown website.
Can I create a team for Change47?
We welcome participation from organisations, schools, club and fantastic groups of people who want to support Change47 together. You can turn your staff meeting or morning tea into a fundraiser for Change47 or another group fundraiser of your choice.
Why does my credit card statement for my Change47 donation say inCommunity Inc. on the charge?
inCommunity Inc is the parent organisation of Beddown. inCommunity has been supporting homeless people for over 40 years and Beddown joined inCommunity in May 2022. inCommunity is a deductible gift recipient and all donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.
Find out more about inCommunity on our website.
Follow us on our socials for the latest news!